I have often wondered, why many religions and almost all of the social ideologies humans have developed so far in their quest for “justice” always side up with the poor, the oppressed, the underprivileged, the disenfranchised. Not that these groups of people would not need some special attention and help. They certainly do. But it stands out that the justice doctrines seem to side up with the poor and the weak alone and have no good word to say about the average working person.
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Sire, give freedom of thought!
Between 1783 and 1787, at the height of the German enlightenment, the German playwright Friedrich Schiller wrote the drama “Don Carlos”. Carlos is Prince of Asturias and, as the son of the Spanish King Philip II, “Infant” to the Spanish throne, i.e. the designated successor of King Philip. Don Carlos sides up with the Dutch insurgents who want national independence, individual freedom and a constitution. His friend, the Marquis de Posa, petitions the despotic King with the famous words “Sire, give freedom of thought!” and dies for the liberty of the Dutch, while Don Carlos is delivered to the Inquisition by his own royal father for his heretic views.
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Oil and Natural Gas — the Life Blood of our Technical Civilization
We use oil to make gasoline, Diesel oil, heating oil, asphalt and road oil, hydrocarbon gas, jet fuel and aviation gasoline, kerosene, waxes, petroleum coke, petrochemical feed stock (used to make plastics), special naphtha, paints, lubricants, and a host of chemical and pharmaceutical products, which are used in our medical and healthcare systems. We use natural gas in similar ways and also to produce ammonia, which is the raw material from which most modern agricultural fertilizers are made. Without these ammonia-based fertilizers we would not be able to feed all the people in the world. Without oil and natural gas, our technical civilization would come to a screeching halt.
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Alexandr Dugin – Putin’s Rasputin
Many people with whom I recently discussed the actions and behavior of Vladimir Putin, expressed bewilderment and doubt about his mental health and sanity. Does this guy still tick right? Putin’s behavior becomes more understandable if one understands what is the driving force behind it.
You may never have heard of Alexandr Dugin, but you may have heard of Grigori Rasputin.
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