Judge them by their deeds — not their words!

The so-called “Critical Theory” was invented by Max Horkheimer in the early days of the Frankfurt School and modified by Juergen Habermas as the central ideology of Neo-Marxism in Germany in the 1970s. Its main philosophical opponent was Karl Raimund Popper’s “Critical Rationalism”. Popper, an Austrian Jew who taught at the London School of Economics, is the author of two pivotal works: “The Open Society and its Enemies” and “Conjectures and Refutations”.

Very much in a nutshell, one could say that what Popper envisaged as an open society is one that is based on democracy and the uninhibited exchange of information and opinions, on free press, and free and open debate – much like the founding fathers of the American Republic and authors of the US Constitution. In “Conjectures and Refutations” Popper debates how we should establish truth and determine what is a fact and what isn’t. He postulates that theories and assertions that do not meet the minimum requirement of being falsifiable, should be considered mere opinions.

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How to fight woke with broke

ESG and the letter gender movement are slowly but surely destroying America’s economy. One wonders though, why long-existing solidly capitalist companies like Anheuser Busch or Target are turning shareholder capitalism into stakeholder capitalism, as described by Klaus Schwab, the prophet of climate change at the World Economic Forum, in his books “COVID 19 – The Great Reset” and “The 4th Industrial Revolution”.

Schwab ordains that, to save the world from climate change, capitalism must no longer be permitted to simply generate profits for its shareholders but must be mandated to produce and invest mainly in consideration of social and environmental, i.e., ideological concerns.

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Beware of Extreme Spirituality

Normally, we would consider spirituality as something positive, something refined and sublime as opposed to klutzy materialism and unreflecting this-worldliness. Many religions teach that true bliss is in the afterlife and that the world in which we spend our lives is just a miserable vale of tears. Is not transcending our material existence a “consummation devoutly to be wished”? What bad could possibly come from spirituality?
A lot of bad. You will be surprised. . .

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Interdependent Destruction

In the first half of the 14th Century, a book was published in Latin about the deeds of the Romans. It was titled “Gesta Romanorum” and it contained the famous apocryphal saying: “Quidquid agis, prudenter agas, et perspice finem.” It means: “Whatever you do, do it prudently, and consider the end-result.”

The French sociologist Auguste Comte wrote: “Savoir pour prévoir, Prévoir pour prévenir”, which means “Know, so you can anticipate. Anticipate, so you can proact.” In other words: Knowledge is the foundation of prudent consideration.

The Roman Empire vanished, and we must hence conclude that they either failed to act in prudent consideration of the end-result or that they destroyed their own civilization by intent.

In his book “COVID 19 – The Great Reset” its author Klaus Schwab writes: “If just one word had to distil the essence of the 21st Century, it would have to be “interdependence”.

In an interdependent world, every action that is taken can have many far-reaching consequences and a lot of in-depth knowledge and prudent consideration may be required to correctly anticipate their combined end-result. If we find that our actions have consequences, which we had not prudently considered, we usually call them “unintended consequences”.

Our current government has taken a variety of actions that had, have, and will have far-reaching consequences. Let us consider three of them. . .

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Learning Politics with the Stomach

Things are becoming apocalyptic, yet I hear people criticize Democrats and Mr. Biden for acting stupidly or for being incompetent. These people have obviously not understood what is going on.

They do not realize that the disasters we see unfolding before our eyes are not mistakes or errors committed by ignorant or incompetent people. They are the planned steps of a systematic attempt to destroy capitalism, establish a centrally controlled government-run economy, and institute global governance.

If you read Mr. Schwab’s book “COVID-19 – The Great Reset” you immediately understand that this guy is selling the Man-Made Global Warming fairy tale as an indisputable fact. He claims that Capitalism is wasteful, unsustainable, and unfair. He sees himself as the knight in shining armor who fights to save the climate from change, the world from destruction, and humankind from extinction. . .

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Judaism and Collectivism

The idea of a collectivist social system is not new. The Spartan society in ancient Greece, the Baptist movements of Jan Matthys and Bernhard Rottmann in Muenster in medieval Germany, the early American settlers. However, as I see it, modern collectivism was mainly a brainchild of Jewish intellectuals. An exception would be the French anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, a pre-thinker of Marxism. But in the 19th and 20th centuries, an amazingly high percentage of socialist and communist leaders and thinkers were of Jewish decent, albeit they were not religious.

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Forward Ho! Unilineal Evolutionism and Marxism

Evolutionism in sociology and cultural anthropology is based on the idea that human culture and social organization have undergone cumulative and irreversible changes through the course of history. Unilineal Evolutionism is based on the idea that all human societies and cultural groups pass through the same series or steps of social, cultural, and economic development, which begins with a primitive communist order without private property, is followed by some form of capitalist order with private property as an intermediate phase, and ends with a higher form of communism again without private property.

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Uh — the Glorious Soviet Union!

I always found it easy to learn another language provided I liked it. Russian was one of the languages I liked and so I took private lessons at the Cologne Berlitz School at age 16. But I had another motive, too. Those were the years when Communism began to become fashionable among my peers in capitalist Germany. Many people my age seemed to be magically attracted by it and by the Soviet Union as a model for social, economic, and political organization. The spell of Communism was always lost on me and with increasing frequency, I found myself involved in heated discussions with would-be Communists.

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The Long March Through the Institutions

The failed and frustrated Marxist revolutionaries became university professors and used their teaching positions to preach Marxism and educate young students to adopt the Marxist world view.

They became the educators of teachers, who then became the educators of school children.

They became judges and began to judge based on ideological principles instead of the principles of law and order. Read up on what’s going on at Yale Law School. You won’t believe it.

They became movie makers and made movies that favored and propagandized their own political and philosophical orientations in a subtle and subconscious way. Disney, Sesame Street.

They became journalists and twisted the truth to match their ideological bias. In fact, they converted journalism from a control institution that tells truth to power to a cheer leader group that tells lies to the people.

They became musicians and song writers who propagated hate, violence, reverse racism, and aggressive behavior.

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