The Water Dipole — Basis of all Life on earth

The direct effect of dipole interaction is called cohesion, the property of molecules to stick together. Cohesion is the cause of surface tension of water surfaces, which allows the surface of liquids, in particular of water, to contract to the smallest possible surface area.

The strong cohesion between water molecules is responsible for the ability of water to form drops like raindrops or drops on leaves. It is also the cause of the strong adhesion of water to other substances, which enables water to “climb” upward against gravity in capillary tubes.

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About Climate Change

Believers of the MMCC (Man-Made Climate Change) religion like Greta Thunberg, AOC, Al Gore and many others want to save “the” climate. One has to wonder, which climate they mean. Do they really believe that today’s or yesterday’s climate is “the” climate, i.e. the one and only climate that is supposed to exist on earth in order to accommodate a specific form of human civilization? Do these people not know that the only thing that is constant about the climate of this planet is that it has been constantly changing for 4.5 billion years?

They claim that recent comparatively minor changes in earth’s climate are caused by human activities. Do they not know that there have been far more dramatic changes in earth’s climate while people did not even exist?

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The Coming Water War between Turkey, Iraq and Syria

The river Tigris is the lifeline connecting the cities of Mosul, Baghdad, and Basra. In recent years, it has been choked by numerous dams, most of them upstream in Turkey, and by lack of rainfall.
The Tigris has its source in Turkey and its course through Iraq begins in the mountains of northern Iraq’s Kurdish region, near the borders of Turkey and Syria, where local people raise sheep and grow potatoes.
Iraq’s government and Kurdish farmers accuse Turkey of withholding water in its dams, dramatically reducing the flow into Iraq, in particular, the Ilisu dam on the Tigris near the village of Ilisu and along the border of the Mardin and Şirnak provinces in Turkey.

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