Putin saves the West and Zelensky kills the Jews – uh – no, wait …

Recently, I had an opportunity to listen to a presentation by Ms. Krone Schmalz, a German Putin enthusiast, who attempted to defend Putin’s war against Ukraine. Ms. Schmalz, as do many Pro-Russia people in Europe and the USA, did not say that she condoned Putin’s war of aggression. She did say, however, that we must “understand” where Putin is coming from and what his psychological and political motives are that motivated him to attack Ukraine. I have heard this from many people who listen to Russian TV and TicToc. Goebbels said that for propaganda to be credible, one must mix lies with truth and make the mixture sound plausible and reasonable. The way Ms. Schmalz sounded, she could be a Russian disinformation propagandist. But let me assume for the moment that she is not and that she really means what she says.

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White Men Can Pack

When I lived with the Yebámasa Indians on the Río Piraparaná in South-East Colombia in 1977/78, one day, a group of Indians from Síoro Jáiro, a place directly on the Piraparaná consisting of four palm-leaf malocas, decided that they wanted to travel to the mission town of Mitú by canoe. Mitú was approximately 300 miles by river from Síoro Jáiro.

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Boycott ‘Woke’ Companies

It used to be a cardinal rule of business to never discuss politics. Today, many business companies have chosen to alienate half of the country’s consumers/voters by smearing Donald Trump, Conservatives, Constitutionalists, and Republicans, attacking voting integrity laws, pushing for censorship of conservative speech, pushing ESG, and fomenting the toxic culture war waged against the rest of us by the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party, including by pushing the false and racist narrative of systemic racism.

Here is a list of woke businesses whose goods and services you should not buy if you consider yourself a constitutional conservative and a liberty-loving citizen. Buy from businesses that are not on the list, if possible.

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Climate Skeptics and the Evolution of Knowledge

There is no uniform position of climate scientists or scientists as for that about global warming or Man-Made Global Warming (MMGW). Serious scientists have argued with convincing arguments based on scientifically verified facts against the sacraments of the MMGW religion. Here are the views of 14 of the most prolific “climate deniers” in a nutshell.

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