Kamala Ante Portas – Lord Help us!

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In her debate with Donald Trump and in her subsequent interview, Mrs. Harris responded to almost any question with the stereotype: “I was raised in a middle-class family…” Instead of answering the questions, she talked about herself in teleprompter-served cookie cutter bits.

In many public statements, she tried to paint herself as an underdog with the claim that she is a “person of color” who had to “sit in the back of the bus” as a school kid. She also called herself “black” and “African American”. She touts “Joy, joy, joy” and recommends herself as the solver of all our current problems, when she had spent the past 3.5 years as Vice-president creating and/or exacerbating these problems and continues doing so.

Kamala’s family hails from Jamaica. Her father Donald calls himself a Jamaican and it has been implied that there is an African component in his genes, as this is probably the case with almost anybody who comes from Jamaica. Donald J. Harris, taught economy at Berkeley. According to my AI, the average income of Berkeley professors was $175,852 in 2023. Her mother was a medical biologist, and it is safe to assume that her income was at least $75,000. Even if we assume that salaries were nominally lower 25 years ago, it seems reasonable to estimate the Harris family income at about $225,000 p.a.

Grok, my AI, defines “middle class annual income” as between $47,000 and $140,000. That places the Harris family clearly in the upper class or at the low end of the “rich”. It is therefore quite unlikely that Kamala was ever forced to sit at the back of the bus or that she suffered any sort of discrimination in her younger years – ever.

She graduated from law school in 1989 and took the bar exam the same year. She failed. In 1990, she tried again and passed. She married Douglas Emhoff, a Jewish lawyer, however, she continues to use her maiden name Harris instead of her married name Emhoff. The Emhoff’s combined net worth has been estimated at $8 million and they own a house in Brentwood, California, that is listed at $2.7 million. As a DA in California, she notably took the side of serious criminals. As a Senator, she was more left than even Bernie Sanders.

In contrast to his affluency, her father was an outspoken communist and praised the (failed) Soviet Five-Year Plans in some of his publications. He publicly discussed his ancestry, mentioning that his lineage traces back to a Hamilton Brown, who was born in 1776 in Ballymoney, Antrim County, Ireland. Donald J. Harris’ paternal grandmother, Christiana Brown, was a descendant of Hamilton Brown, who became a sugar plantation and slave owner in Jamaica. This makes Hamilton Brown an ancestor of Kamala Harris through her father’s side of the family.

Hamilton Brown was not like just any other slave owner. He owned 1,120 slaves. He actively opposed British emancipation efforts and supported their political opponents with money. As compensation for finally giving up his slaves he received 24,144 Pounds Sterling from the British government. That is the equivalent of today’s $3,79 million. He was a significant figure in Jamaica and influential enough to have a town named after him, Brown’s Town. While there may have been African strains in Mr. Harris’ genetic composition, there is clearly also an Irish strain. He does not look like a black African and neither does Kamala. Recent pictures of her show attempts at making her look darker skinned by applying darker makeup. Look for the line on her neck.

Kamala’s Indian (Tamil) mother and Jamaican father. Do they look “African”?
Darker makeup to make her appear more “colored”.

If some people get upset about some of the framers having been slave holders nearly 250 years ago, should they not also be concerned about a presidential candidate with a slaveholder great-grandfather who fervently opposed the emancipation of slaves?

For over 3.5 years, Mrs. Harris has assisted demented Joe Biden in his attempt at ruining this country. Together they accomplished rampant inflation, BLM/Antifa riots, burning cities, defunding the police, the witch hunt on Mr. Trump, the weaponization of our justice system, the war in Ukraine, the Palestinian aggression against Israel, Iran soon to be a nuclear power, China confronting half a dozen East Asian nations, the world at the edge of a nuclear war, the degeneration of our education system into a brain-washing machine, the DEI madness, sex changes for teens, US soldiers educated on transgenderism, abortion without limits at tax payer’s expense, millions of unvetted illegal aliens pouring into our country boosting drug deaths, child abuse, and sex trade, and last but not least the shameful retreat from Afghanistan, leaving Americans, their helpers and approx. 80 billion dollars’ worth of top notch military equipment, paid for by the American tax payer, in the hands of the Taliban.

This entire woke mess – she co-owns it. It is of her making. She is its co-originator. And this woman has the brazenness to stand there and tell us a bunch of lies about how she will fix it all? She had 3.5 years to fix it. Not only did she not fix it. She created it and made it worse.

Kamala Harris has zero credibility. Everything about her is fake. I have my reservations about Trump. But in my view, this woman would be an unmitigated catastrophe for our country as its President.

Featured picture by Gage Skidmore.

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