Judge them by their deeds — not their words!

The so-called “Critical Theory” was invented by Max Horkheimer in the early days of the Frankfurt School and modified by Juergen Habermas as the central ideology of Neo-Marxism in Germany in the 1970s. Its main philosophical opponent was Karl Raimund Popper’s “Critical Rationalism”. Popper, an Austrian Jew who taught at the London School of Economics, is the author of two pivotal works: “The Open Society and its Enemies” and “Conjectures and Refutations”.

Very much in a nutshell, one could say that what Popper envisaged as an open society is one that is based on democracy and the uninhibited exchange of information and opinions, on free press, and free and open debate – much like the founding fathers of the American Republic and authors of the US Constitution. In “Conjectures and Refutations” Popper debates how we should establish truth and determine what is a fact and what isn’t. He postulates that theories and assertions that do not meet the minimum requirement of being falsifiable, should be considered mere opinions.

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The Marseillaise — An Old Anthem in a New Light

By now, you will have heard about the riots in France. As I write these lines, violent and chaotic conditions still prevail in almost all major French cities. According to my AI friend, approximately 1,300 protesters and 270 policemen have been injured or killed thus far plus an unknown number of civilian bystanders. Many cars burned.

These riots were sparked by the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old Algerian immigrant named Nahel Merzouk in Nanterre. Allegedly, Nahel was performing weird antics with a yellow car in front of a school building. Allegedly, the officer feared Nahel might hurt somebody and tried to stop him. When Nahel would not stop, the officer shot him.

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“Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.” (Proverbs, 12:19)

For years, I believed that Mr. Trump had been hounded by the Left for no justifiable reason. I believed that left-wing ideologues weaponized the CIA, the FBI, and the Department of Justice, including the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) Court system in order to prevent Mr. Trump from becoming President and, when he became President anyway, to prevent him from governing effectively. For believing this, I was called a right-wing fanatic, a NAZI, a white supremacist, a racist, and a political nut by the cool-aid drinkers of the Marxist globalist left.

Over the past three years, facts emerged one by one that showed that the Mueller investigation was a fraud from its inception. No there there. And Mr. Mueller knew it. Two impeachments, one paradoxically when Trump was already out of office. And nothing. No evidence. No impeachable offences.

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Toxic Femininity

The women’s liberation movement has gradually morphed into a man-bashing movement. It has been taken over by lesbians and the transgender folks who hate men. The buzzword is “toxic masculinity”.

Make no mistake. This does not just mean that some men may be excessively aggressive or violent or that masculinity can occasionally turn into annoying or even dangerous aggressiveness. It means that men as a group are inherently more aggressive and more violent than women and therefore a danger to civil society and world peace.

Women, when given sufficient power, can be just as brutal, violent, destructive, and aggressive as men. In other words: Femininity can be just as toxic as masculinity.

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Ad Hominem vs. Ad Rem (Hairdo or Country)

Politics, I said, is a pig-wrestling event and if you wrestle with pigs you may get dirty. And what is more important – that a president accomplishes the right things for his country or that he speaks in mild-mannered and polished ways while inflicting disaster upon his country – like Mr. Obama, for example?

I reminded him to consider how Trump was treated by his political opponents. Two impeachment attempts, the freely invented Russian Collusion hoax, investigation after investigation, false accusation after false accusation. The entire deep-state government was weaponized against him, never mind the Constitution or the rule of law.

Falsehood after falsehood. And then you condemn the man if he uses a cussword? Seems to me like accusing a rabbit of running against the one-way street while trying to escape a wolfpack.

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Brown Bomber vs Nazi Superman – a lesson in humanity

Both Louis and Schmeling became political figures when the Nazis came to power in Germany. Hitler tried to placate Schmeling as proof of the superiority of the Arian race, while Joe Louis was seen, by black and white Americans alike at the time, as the litmus test that a democracy was better than fascism.

On June 19, 1936, Joe Louis and Max Schmeling faced off against each other in New York’s Madison Square Garden. The fight had to be postponed for a day due to bad weather and the New York Times wrote: “Schmeling’s execution was delayed.”

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Tolerance, Bigotry, Freedom of Speech, and the Pursuit of Liberty

As we see our freedom of speech and First Amendment trampled upon, we also hear the word “bigot” with greater frequency. The word has become a favored pejorative of ideologically radical collectivists and leftists. They use it mainly to bash conservatives or anybody whose views they do not condone.
The term is derived from the German or Nordic ‘Bei Gott’ meaning ‘by god’. French Normans pronounced it ‘bee got’. The French wrote it ‘bigot’, pronounced it (‘bee go’) and made it into a negative term to refer to self-righteous Christian Normans or Germans, who would start every sentence with “Bei Gott, ….” calling on God as the witness to their self-righteousness and virtue. Bigotry then is a form of sanctimony, which is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as “Righteousness accompanied by an unwarranted attitude of moral or social superiority; smug or hypocritical righteousness.”

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If I could, what would I change about the US political/social system?

Let me first say that I consider the US Constitution a superb piece of political craftsmanship. Its language is partly a bit antiquated but the issues with which it deals are the eternal problems of how to organize human life in a just and free manner.
These problems do not change, and the number of available solutions is limited. The US Constitution emphasizes individual liberty and aims to limit and reign in the power of the governing in wise recognition of the eternal temptation to abuse power. It is based on the idea that we are all “created equal” but not on the idea that we are all equal.

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Putin is right — right full of it

Recently, I have been involved in repeated discussions about whether or not Russia (Putin) is justified in invading Ukraine. The main arguments (mostly propagated by Tik Tok, CTV, and RTV for obvious reasons) why Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is justified are. . .
The Ukrainians are actually Russians and they speak a Russian dialect!

The Ukrainian government is corrupt!

Putin is fighting globalism!

Below, I will discuss the validity or lack thereof of these arguments.

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How to Become an International Communist Terrorist!

In 1977, I performed anthropological field research among the Yebámasa Indians, who live along the Piraparaná River in the Comisaría del Vaupés of Colombia, South America. I had two co-researchers, one German, one Colombian. My German co-researcher’s name was Karl, but in Colombia, everybody called him Carlos and I ended up calling him Carlos, as well.
We were planning on arranging an ethnographic exhibition after our return to Germany at the Rauthenstrauch-Joest Museum, Cologne’s main ethnological museum. So, we were always collecting artifacts. The utensils and tools the Indians use in their daily life, their weapons, their canoes, their adornments, their musical instruments. After a while of living with the Indians, we managed to put together a representative collection, which was to show German Museum visitors how the Yebámasa Indians live.

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