Chicken Licken says: Climate Dooms Day is Coming

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez said during a TV interview in 2017:
“The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.”
A few months after her statement the clock in Union Square was changed to function as a “climate clock” indicating how much time mankind still has until global warming becomes an irreversible run-away phenomenon.

On August 18, 2024, when this was written, the dooms day clock showed 4 years, 338 days, zero hours, 30 minutes and zero seconds till dooms day.
In October of 1958, the New York Times wrote:
“Some scientists estimate that the polar ice pack is 40 percent thinner and 12 percent less in area than it was a half century ago, and that even within the lifetime of our children, the Arctic Ocean may open, enabling ships to sail over the North Pole.”
The article mentions that the arctic ice shield was on average about 7 feet thick then and today, it is still on average about 7 feet thick.

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Motorcycle Riding – a Moving Addiction

I have been riding motorcycles since I was 16. Since then, there have not been two consecutive years in my life when I did not own and ride a motorcycle. I had them all. BMW, Zündapp, NSU, Horex, Münch, Laverda, Benelli, Moto Guzzi, Ducati, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, Suzuki, you name them, and of course, Harley-Davidson. I went through rigorous training in Germany, where my Yugoslav riding teacher even taught me how to act in the event the bike slips on slick autumn leaves or on wet cobble stones. I am now 83. I never had a serious accident, and I am still riding my Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Custom 200th Anniversary Edition.

I ask myself often: why am I still doing this? It is clearly dangerous, and I know I should quit and yet I would rather sacrifice a few years of my life than give up motorcycle riding. Stupidity? Old-age blockheadedness? Lack of responsibility? Give me liberty or give me death?

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The Red Wolf — A Red Herring?

Historically the red wolf (Canis rufus) ranged from southeastern Texas to central Pennsylvania. It is native to the southeastern United States. Today, the only place red wolves can be found in the wild is in eastern North Carolina’s Albemarle Peninsula.

Red wolves are highly adaptable and can live in a variety of habitats: forested areas, grasslands, steppes, tundra, boreal forests, and even deserts. They can survive in both cold and hot climates. However, like all other wolves, they prefer mountainous areas and prairies (steppe) over swamps. The best habitat for wolves depends, of course, on the availability of prey and the absence of human threats.

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Moral Relativity, Absolute Evil, and the Survival of Mankind

When I was 22 years old, I developed a philosophical system that was based on the concept of relativity. Since everything is relative, I argued, there are no absolute values. Panta rei. Everything moves. There was no certain knowledge and there were no binding values. No absolute good existed and consequently also no absolute evil. Consequently, my system postulated skepticism. My motto was: “Always expect the worst.”

Looking back, I find that my juvenile philosophy was eerily similar to the way of thinking, which our so-called intellectuals are promoting today. The concepts of “good” and “evil” do not seem to exist for these folks. They are lost in total relativism and subjectivism – which is doubly strange, because the apostles of subjectivism are also the torch bearers of collectivism. The result of this toxic and illogical mix is total moral confusion.

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A hard decision for a bad actor

Dylan Mulvaney, a biological man, insists that he is a woman. However, his rendition of a female strikes me mainly as bad acting. He is “giving” an infantile teen girl. His impersonation of femininity is an insult to females and a travesty of womanhood.

That aside, I assume that we all know by now that females have two X chromosomes while males have one X chromosome and one so-called Y chromosome, which does not look much like the letter Y at all. It looks more like a truncated X chromosome. These sex chromosomes are present in every body cell, and they determine in all mammals including humans, which sex an individual expresses.

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“Green” — what’s in a word.

People who call themselves “green” typically demand drastic measures to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, which, they claim, are caused by humans. They see themselves as the friends and defenders of the vegetal world against reckless CO2 contaminators.

Earth’s atmosphere contains approximately 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide – yes, only about 400 parts per million – and traces of hydrogen, helium, and other so-called “noble” gases.

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The Water Dipole — Basis of all Life on earth

The direct effect of dipole interaction is called cohesion, the property of molecules to stick together. Cohesion is the cause of surface tension of water surfaces, which allows the surface of liquids, in particular of water, to contract to the smallest possible surface area.

The strong cohesion between water molecules is responsible for the ability of water to form drops like raindrops or drops on leaves. It is also the cause of the strong adhesion of water to other substances, which enables water to “climb” upward against gravity in capillary tubes.

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About Climate Change

Believers of the MMCC (Man-Made Climate Change) religion like Greta Thunberg, AOC, Al Gore and many others want to save “the” climate. One has to wonder, which climate they mean. Do they really believe that today’s or yesterday’s climate is “the” climate, i.e. the one and only climate that is supposed to exist on earth in order to accommodate a specific form of human civilization? Do these people not know that the only thing that is constant about the climate of this planet is that it has been constantly changing for 4.5 billion years?

They claim that recent comparatively minor changes in earth’s climate are caused by human activities. Do they not know that there have been far more dramatic changes in earth’s climate while people did not even exist?

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Tectonic Plates, Continental Drift, Abiotic Methane, and Climate Change

In 1912, the German meteorologist Alfred Wegener developed the theory of continental drift. Wegener postulated the existence of a single supercontinent from about 350 million to 245 million years ago, during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic, and named it Pangea, meaning “the all-land.” Pangea was the product of continental drift caused in part by tectonic plate movement. He searched the geologic and paleontological literature for evidence supporting the continuity of geologic features across the Indian and Atlantic oceans during that time period, the Mesozoic, about 252 million to 66 million years ago. He presented the idea of continental drift and some of the supporting evidence in a lecture in 1912, followed by his major published work, The Origin of Continents and Oceans (1915).

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The Concept of Race – is it good for anything?

Races have been defined in the past almost solely based on morphological markers such as skin color, head shape, nose shape, and hair type. Attempts have been made to define human race groups based on blood type or genetic markers, but it was found that there are virtually no genetic markers that coincide with the groups defined based on morphological markers. An individual placed morphologically in one race may end up in another one based on genetics.

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