Between 1783 and 1787, at the height of the German enlightenment, the German playwright Friedrich Schiller wrote the drama “Don Carlos”. Carlos is Prince of Asturias and, as the son of the Spanish King Philip II, “Infant” to the Spanish throne, i.e. the designated successor of King Philip. Don Carlos sides up with the Dutch insurgents who want national independence, individual freedom and a constitution. His friend, the Marquis de Posa, petitions the despotic King with the famous words “Sire, give freedom of thought!” and dies for the liberty of the Dutch, while Don Carlos is delivered to the Inquisition by his own royal father for his heretic views.
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Oil and Natural Gas — the Life Blood of our Technical Civilization
We use oil to make gasoline, Diesel oil, heating oil, asphalt and road oil, hydrocarbon gas, jet fuel and aviation gasoline, kerosene, waxes, petroleum coke, petrochemical feed stock (used to make plastics), special naphtha, paints, lubricants, and a host of chemical and pharmaceutical products, which are used in our medical and healthcare systems. We use natural gas in similar ways and also to produce ammonia, which is the raw material from which most modern agricultural fertilizers are made. Without these ammonia-based fertilizers we would not be able to feed all the people in the world. Without oil and natural gas, our technical civilization would come to a screeching halt.
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Alexandr Dugin – Putin’s Rasputin
Many people with whom I recently discussed the actions and behavior of Vladimir Putin, expressed bewilderment and doubt about his mental health and sanity. Does this guy still tick right? Putin’s behavior becomes more understandable if one understands what is the driving force behind it.
You may never have heard of Alexandr Dugin, but you may have heard of Grigori Rasputin.
Continue readingThe Death Toll of Communism
Marxism is the underlying ideology of socialism. Socialism is a social, political, and economic system in which all means of production are allegedly owned by the “people” but are in reality controlled by unelected power elites.
Communism is a hypothetical form of socialism without government. According to Marx, government is no longer needed in Communism, as people have internalized socialist moral principles and have learned to govern themselves. There is no example in human history where this has ever been accomplished.
Is the Democratic Party Really the Political Home of Black Americans?
Do you remember Mr. Biden saying: “If you don’t vote for me, you’re not Black.” ?
What he meant to say is that Black Americans should vote for him and the Socialist Democratic Party because he and his party stand and have always stood for the just cause of Black Americans as their good friends and defenders. Does history bear that out?

Medical Dictatorship
By now, we know that mask wearing is pretty much useless and counterproductive. It’s mainly window dressing and a psychological placebo to mitigate paranoia about COVID. Even Dr. Fauci admitted this. On 10/21 2020, Dr. Fauci said:
“There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.”

What I have learned from the “Pandemic”
I still remember Lou Dobbs freaking out in his Fox New show screaming: “It is a pandemic. My God, it is a pandemic”. What is a pandemic?
An epidemic is a disease that is spread out over a significant but limited geographic area. A pandemic is a disease spread out over many countries or worldwide. Many people believe that ‘pandemic’ refers to a catastrophic, disastrous, and devastatingly deadly disease. Well, that belief is incorrect. Pandemic only refers to the geographic distribution of a disease, not its severity or deadliness.
Continue readingThe Climate: False Predictions – False Prophets
False Predictions The Population Bomb – We Will All Starve In 1967, the population scientist Paul Ehrlich (his last name
Continue readingVaxxed to death – The cure that causes more damage than the disease
Recently, I had an opportunity to listen to a presentation by two of Germany’s leading pathologists, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt, who presented scientific Covid-related evidence during a conference of pathologists held on 12/10/2020.
Dr. Burkhardt has over 40 years of experience as a pathologist and has published over 150 scientific publications. He suggests that the use of gene-based Corona Virus vaccines, the so-called mRNA vaccines, produced by Moderna and Pfizer, should be stopped immediately. The two physicians explain, why these so-called vaccines cannot really protect against virus infections. No positive Effect can be expected from them.
Name Calling – The Macuces Syndrome
When I lived with the Yebámasa Indians along the Río Piraparaná in Colombia SA in 1977/78, I noticed that they were wearing nicely made feather caps during their dance feasts. They called them “majá joáro”. I asked the local shaman about this. “Why are you wearing these feather caps?” – “Uh the majá joáro?” he said. “well, we wear them because they symbolize the superiority of our culture.” – “And in what way is your culture superior to what other culture?” I wanted to know.
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