Trump = Hitler ?

Two days before the New Hampshire Republican Primary, my old friend, Richard Feldman, former Executive Director of the American Shooting Sports Council, and current President of the Independent Firearms Owners’ Association, wrote me an email stating that he kept silent too long and that he now needs to endorse Nikki Haley. He wrote:

“Firearms owners across the country demand that an American President stand firm in support of our cherished Bill of Rights, including the 2nd Amendment that protects our right to keep and bear arms. Donald Trump will not be such a President. While on occasion he has sought the votes of firearms owners, he has elsewhere made it painfully clear that he will “terminate all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution” to have his way on any issue. Trump has stated he intends to be an absolute dictator on day one of his administration. Just one day, one is one too many! His unprincipled “Art of the Deal” mentality and his oft demonstrated lust for unrestrained personal power means that no Trump commitment to any position can be trusted. … In simple terms, we have no confidence in Trumps’ pledge to uphold and protect the gun rights of law-abiding citizens”.

I answered:

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Was Muhammed a white man with “blackophobia”?

As of July 1, 2020, African Americans represented 13.4 % of the total population of the USA. But approximately 24% of all Muslims in the USA are African Americans. This means that African Americans are nearly 100% overrepresented among Muslims. It would seem that the conclusion is not inappropriate that Islam must have a special attraction for African Americans.

If so, I cannot help but finding this rather odd, since Muhammed was probably white and had an aversion against everything black and since Islam did not only play a major role in the history of international slave trade but is also the only world religion that still endorses slavery, if only implicitly.

If you believe that my assertions are untrue, read the following explanations that are all based on accepted Hadith texts, the Hadith being the accepted stories about the life of the Prophet. I am providing the narrator, i.e., the person who reported the fact, and the reference. i.e., the Hadith source, where the text can be found. If you doubt the correctness of the English translation I am using, I can provide the Arabic text.

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1776 — The Right to Insurrection

The Declaration of Independence states the reasons why the Colonials wanted to become their own independent nation state and lists their grievances against the British rulers. They argue that they have repeatedly complained about the unjust and oppressive treatment they had to suffer under colonial rule and that their frequent complaints and requests for change amounted to nothing.

The authors of the DOI listed 26 grievances for which they did not receive redress despite their repeated petitions. Today, we face government not by a king but by non-elected deep-state officials who are in cahoots with excessively rich capitalists and international organizations like Mr. Schwab’s unelected World Economic Forum and the unelected United Nations and who are united in the belief in Man Made Global Warming, in the need to reduce world population, and in a vision of a future world as collectivist and controlled by some form of global governance. These groups, their convictions and underlying values, are attempting to destroy the nation state.

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Propaganda and mind control then and now

The Nazis controlled all print media, including book publishers. They also controlled the movie and entertainment industries, theaters, and opera houses. Goebbels’ ministry also decided what works of art could be produced to entertain the masses. And Goebbels’ control extended into minor details.

The Volksempfänger gave ordinary Germans access to entertainment and culture, but it also became an instrument of government control and manipulation and of the propagation of hate. The same can be said of social media today. Through censorship in cahoots with the deep state, collectivist organizations, and giant tech companies, they control, censor, and impede the free exchange of ideas, information, and opinions in a concerted attempt to silence conservative, constitutionalist, individualist, and nationalist voices and in flagrant violation of our First Amendment rights.

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The Transmutation of the Jesus Baby into the obese Coca Cola Santa

This was what the Germans called “Christkind”. The Pennsylvania Dutch, who were not Dutch but Germans, called it “Christkindl”, which was misunderstood by English-speaking Americans as “Kris Kringel”, which later became one of the names of Santa.

If you can see any meaningful connection between the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God and savior of mankind, or the holy bishop of Myra and the fat Coca Cola drinking drumstick-eating Boyar-Father-Frost-Santa and his red nosed reindeer, which have by now almost destroyed the original religious content of Christmas, please let me know.

Because I can’t.

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Just Who is a Palestinian?

The Hamas Covenant of 2017 says: “Palestine is the land of the Arab Palestinian people, from it they originate, to it they adhere and belong …”

Well, they do not. They conquered it. Islam proclaims a strange principle about land once conquered by Islam: once a piece of land has come under Islamic dominion, it is forever in the rightful possession of Islam. This is why Islam claims Spain and Southern France as their property. It is like saying: “I stole your car, therefore, I now legally own it.”

But who is a “Palestinian” anyway?

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The Red Wolf — A Red Herring?

Historically the red wolf (Canis rufus) ranged from southeastern Texas to central Pennsylvania. It is native to the southeastern United States. Today, the only place red wolves can be found in the wild is in eastern North Carolina’s Albemarle Peninsula.

Red wolves are highly adaptable and can live in a variety of habitats: forested areas, grasslands, steppes, tundra, boreal forests, and even deserts. They can survive in both cold and hot climates. However, like all other wolves, they prefer mountainous areas and prairies (steppe) over swamps. The best habitat for wolves depends, of course, on the availability of prey and the absence of human threats.

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Who are the Nazis?

On October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists invaded Israel. They randomly killed over 2000 civilians and took several hundred hostages. They murdered partying teens, they murdered people in the streets, they murdered people in their homes, their beds, their cars. They raped women in public and murdered several dozen babies by gouging out their eyes and cutting off their heads. Vlad the Impaler appears like a true moderate compared to the atrocities committed by these bloodthirsty Islamic fanatics.

When Israel awakened from its shock and started to retaliate proclaiming that, this time, it would completely eradicate Hamas so as to make sure that something like this would never happen again, all hell broke loose. Demonstrations everywhere.

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One Man’s Meat is Another Man’s Poison

True. We do live in a world of good and evil. The problem is that one guy’s good is the other guy’s evil.

In the world of values- everything is indeed relative. But such incompatibility of values will spell the downfall of the human species. If we cannot somehow soon agree on a global ethical code, we are doomed, since we are now no longer clobbering up on each other with swords and spears but with nukes. Even a marginal guy like Kim Jong Un has the capability to start a nuclear war.

Yet, we cannot hope to agree on anything as long as each group of people firmly and unshakably believes that what it believes is the exclusive truth and that everybody else is just a bunch of offensive non-believers. It is this mindset, the mindset of the faithful believer come hell or high water, that makes finding common ground so difficult.

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Moral Relativity, Absolute Evil, and the Survival of Mankind

When I was 22 years old, I developed a philosophical system that was based on the concept of relativity. Since everything is relative, I argued, there are no absolute values. Panta rei. Everything moves. There was no certain knowledge and there were no binding values. No absolute good existed and consequently also no absolute evil. Consequently, my system postulated skepticism. My motto was: “Always expect the worst.”

Looking back, I find that my juvenile philosophy was eerily similar to the way of thinking, which our so-called intellectuals are promoting today. The concepts of “good” and “evil” do not seem to exist for these folks. They are lost in total relativism and subjectivism – which is doubly strange, because the apostles of subjectivism are also the torch bearers of collectivism. The result of this toxic and illogical mix is total moral confusion.

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