Sire, give freedom of thought!

Between 1783 and 1787, at the height of the German enlightenment, the German playwright Friedrich Schiller wrote the drama “Don Carlos”. Carlos is Prince of Asturias and, as the son of the Spanish King Philip II, “Infant” to the Spanish throne, i.e. the designated successor of King Philip. Don Carlos sides up with the Dutch insurgents who want national independence, individual freedom and a constitution. His friend, the Marquis de Posa, petitions the despotic King with the famous words “Sire, give freedom of thought!” and dies for the liberty of the Dutch, while Don Carlos is delivered to the Inquisition by his own royal father for his heretic views.

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Name Calling – The Macuces Syndrome

When I lived with the Yebámasa Indians along the Río Piraparaná in Colombia SA in 1977/78, I noticed that they were wearing nicely made feather caps during their dance feasts. They called them “majá joáro”. I asked the local shaman about this. “Why are you wearing these feather caps?” – “Uh the majá joáro?” he said. “well, we wear them because they symbolize the superiority of our culture.” – “And in what way is your culture superior to what other culture?” I wanted to know.

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Bad and Good Things About the USA

I have lived in the USA for over 40 years now and I have been a US citizen (a legal immigrant for once) for 15 years. I have also lived and worked in many other countries and I have had an opportunity to compare the US social and political system with those of other countries, mainly those of Germany, Colombia, Italy, Sweden, and France. Today, I would like to point out several things about the US system that I consider to be bad and pernicious and a few aspects of this country that I consider uniquely excellent and great.

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Is Homosexuality Normal?

Let me first say that I personally do not care how consenting adults have sexual pleasure with each other. I think this is entirely their private affair and should not be censored by society or regulated by law. What consenting adult people do in their private homes is exclusively their business as long as it is not incestuous, does not violate the rights of others, and does not involve minors or animals who are both incapable of informed consent.

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How to turn a free-market capitalist society into the collectivist authoritarian New World Order: A brief manual for aspiring dictators

You start by brainwashing at least two generations of young citizens into believing that equality, equity, and security are more important values than liberty, freedom, and competition. This is readily accomplished by the teachers and professors of the enlightened education system, which will produce snowflakes that are afraid of their own shadow and demand to be protected and supported by the government.

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A Brief History of Slavery

When we talk about slavery, we mostly mean the enslavement of Africans in America between approximately 1500 (arrival of first African slaves in North America) and 1865 (13th Amendment) – a period of approximately 365 years. However, slavery is one of mankind’s oldest institutions and America was a latecomer to it. Since our history is regrettably one of domination and subjugation it is probably safe to assume that slavery goes back into Neolithic times, when one group would raid the habitation of another group, kill most, and make the survivors slaves.

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