Nice Try, Ryan

When my family and I arrived in the USA in 1983, we bought a house in the borough of Mantua in Fairfax County, Virginia. Our older son René joined the Fairfax Police Youth Club soccer team. We were also frequent visitors in the “Mall” Museums, in particular, the Museum of Natural History.

We had not yet decided whether or not we would apply for US citizenship, but we were eager to learn the rules of American cultural and social life which seemed to be quite different from those in Europe. . .

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Raise Taxes to Stop Inflation? Are You Nuts?

During a regular Democrat press conference on Monday April 25, 2022, Senator Chuck Schumer said this:

“If you want to get rid of inflation, the only way to do it is to get rid of a lot of the Trump tax cuts and to raise rates.”

The context makes it clear that he meant: raise tax rates. In other words, Senator Schumer believes or wants us to believe that inflation can only be reduced by levying more taxes.

Senator Schumer graduated in 1974 from Harvard Law School and immediately became a career politician the very same year. I could find no evidence that he never practiced law or that he ever operated or owned a business. His entire adult life he has been a public “servant”, i.e. his income came from tax money. Apparently, he also never learned even the basics about inflation and the economy.

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Humiliation and Oppression

At a local medical center, one of our friends, who refused to be vaccinated, was called “a murderer” by one of the nurses. In Australia, you will now be fined up to $80,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, if you refuse to be vaccinated. In Italy, people who refuse to be vaccinated, are now confined in house arrest and are only allowed out of their homes with special police permission to buy food or medications etc. Hundreds of thousands of public employees have lost their jobs in the USA because they refused vaccination. A friend who is a retired nurse, volunteered at a local hospital when asked to help out with a heavy load of COVID patients. Then she was asked to get vaccinated. As a nurse, she knew firsthand how useless and dangerous these so-called vaccinations are. She refused and was promptly let go again. This morning, I heard a discussion on Public Radio, the tax-money-financed voice of reason, about whether unvaccinated patients waiting for a lung transplant should be allowed to keep their place in the waiting line or be moved to the end of the line for certain death. What happened to the Hippocratic Oath? Are the Non-Vaccinated becoming the Jews of our time?

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How I became a citizen of the land of the free and the home of the brave – oh boy!

n 1973, I worked as a visiting scholar at Harvard’s Botanical Museum. My host, Professor Richard Evans Schultes, occasionally invited me to dine with him in the teachers’ dining room, where on one occasion I sat next to Professor Kenneth Galbraith’s table and a cross-table conversation developed between Schultes, a conservative, and Galbraith, a liberal. What I got to hear from Galbraith was pure neo-Marxist ideology and should have been a warning for me and a harbinger of things to come.

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Who is a Native?

The word ‘native’ is derived from the Latin verb ‘nati’ = ‘to be born’. ‘nati’ is a semi-deponence, i.e. a verb that exists only in the passive voice. Makes sense, doesn’t it? After all, being born is the most passive act you ever perform in your life. A ‘native’ to a certain place would seem to be a person who was born in that certain place. Accordingly, if you were born in e.g. Columbia NC you can call yourself a native of that town. But the common use of the term goes beyond this narrow meaning. American Indians call themselves “Native Americans” or “indigenous” and the non-European Australians are called “aborigines” with the connotation that they, i.e. their predecessors, ancestors, forefathers were all born in America or Australia or at least on the American or Australian continents. . .

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Santa Claus and Culture War

Since religion is so deeply engrained in our culture and society and since our nation was partly founded on the quest for religious freedom, it is difficult for the enemies of religion to attack it frontally and direct. But attack it they must because they are mostly Marxist atheist materialists who believe that religion is “opium for the people” and that theirs is the only true worldview. And because they realize that religion is the main road block on the road to their totally just utopian society: Communism. Hence, they attack religion indirectly using mainly two tactics: they try to remove religion from public life and they try to profane and secularize religion, currently mainly the Christian religion. . .

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