Putin is right — right full of it

Recently, I have been involved in repeated discussions about whether or not Russia (Putin) is justified in invading Ukraine. The main arguments (mostly propagated by Tik Tok, CTV, and RTV for obvious reasons) why Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is justified are. . .
The Ukrainians are actually Russians and they speak a Russian dialect!

The Ukrainian government is corrupt!

Putin is fighting globalism!

Below, I will discuss the validity or lack thereof of these arguments.

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How to Become an International Communist Terrorist!

In 1977, I performed anthropological field research among the Yebámasa Indians, who live along the Piraparaná River in the Comisaría del Vaupés of Colombia, South America. I had two co-researchers, one German, one Colombian. My German co-researcher’s name was Karl, but in Colombia, everybody called him Carlos and I ended up calling him Carlos, as well.
We were planning on arranging an ethnographic exhibition after our return to Germany at the Rauthenstrauch-Joest Museum, Cologne’s main ethnological museum. So, we were always collecting artifacts. The utensils and tools the Indians use in their daily life, their weapons, their canoes, their adornments, their musical instruments. After a while of living with the Indians, we managed to put together a representative collection, which was to show German Museum visitors how the Yebámasa Indians live.

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How the means can discredit the ends

Napoleon Bonaparte was certainly a very intelligent, creative, and energetic personality, a great statesman, and an ingenious military leader. He did much good for many people in Europe. My wife’s grandma Anna grew up in a part of Germany that later became the “Département Ruhr”, the administrative unit of the Eastern Ruhr region under French occupation from 1806 through 1813. Anna and all her siblings never learned much of anything until the French came. They started a public-school system and taught all children to read and write – French, of course.

Napoleon also personally participated in writing a new civil code for France, which was a huge step toward civil liberty and public safety. His “Code Napoleon” is still today France’s civil law. It also became the model for the civil code of many other nations. And it is still amazingly “modern” today.

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Illuminated Doodoo

On May 1, 1776 (yes, you read right) Adam Weishaupt, then 20 years old and professor of Canonic Law, founded the “Order of Perfectibles” (Bund der Perfectibilisten) in Ingolstadt, Bavaria. It was later renamed the “Illuminati” society. Its symbols were Minerva’s owl of wisdom and God’s all-seeing eye – not of the God of the Christians but of some undefined higher being, which the Illuminati recognized as the creator of the universe. May 1st also happened to be the day of “Walpurgisnacht”, the ancient German celebration of witchcraft.

There is an affinity between the concepts of “illumination” and “Satan”. ‘illuminare’ from the Latin ‘lux’ = ‘light’, is Latin for ‘to make light’ or ‘enlighten’. Satan’s name is ‘Lucifer’ = ‘the light carrier’. It has often been claimed by Satanists that Satan was the first ‘illuminatus’ or intellectual (Saul Alinsky). Not sure if the same claim was ever made by the Illuminati themselves.

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Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf

‘Democracy’ is a word made from the Greek words ‘demos’ and ‘cratein’, ‘the people’ and ‘to rule’, meaning that the people should rule. The Greek philosopher Polybios believed that forms of government follow each other and develop out of each other in a cyclic pattern.

Looking at the American experiment today, it seems that Polybios had a point. We seem to be at the point where the rule of a legitimate elite (the best) has turned into the rule of the worst and we are headed toward mob rule again, all the while officially calling our system “democratic”.

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Putin saves the West and Zelensky kills the Jews – uh – no, wait …

Recently, I had an opportunity to listen to a presentation by Ms. Krone Schmalz, a German Putin enthusiast, who attempted to defend Putin’s war against Ukraine. Ms. Schmalz, as do many Pro-Russia people in Europe and the USA, did not say that she condoned Putin’s war of aggression. She did say, however, that we must “understand” where Putin is coming from and what his psychological and political motives are that motivated him to attack Ukraine. I have heard this from many people who listen to Russian TV and TicToc. Goebbels said that for propaganda to be credible, one must mix lies with truth and make the mixture sound plausible and reasonable. The way Ms. Schmalz sounded, she could be a Russian disinformation propagandist. But let me assume for the moment that she is not and that she really means what she says.

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Law, Justice, Righteousness, and the Constitution

I am a life member of the NRA. Every month I receive the NRA periodical “American Rifleman”. Every issue contains an article by Wayne Lapierre and every one of his articles invariably contains the words “law-abiding citizen”.

The argument is always that law-abiding citizens are entitled to owning and carrying firearms because they do not constitute a danger or threat to other citizens, as potential criminals, or to the government, as potential insurgents. I often wondered what we, the law-abiding citizens, would do, if the laws were no longer just. What if the government made a law that ruled that citizens may no longer own and carry firearms? Since gun owners are law-abiding citizens, would we then all abide by such gun-prohibiting law and surrender our firearms to the government like the British and the Australians did?

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They Will Try to Kill Him

Over the last 20 years, the Democratic Party has moved more and more to the left and has now morphed into a Marxist globalist group that is under the spell of extremists like AOC, BS, and the Indian princess. Democrats are pursuing the so-called Green New Deal and they are acting as mandated by the globalist elite in the UN 2030 program and Klaus Schwab’s book “COVID 19 – The Great Reset”. Their goal is global governance, the end of free-market capitalism, of individual liberty, and of the sovereign nation state. They consider capitalism wasteful and unsustainable and have ordained the new liberal world order as global governance based on a centrally planned and controlled economy. As Mr. Schwab said in Davos: “In 2030 you will own nothing, but you will be happy.”

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Concepts, Terms, and Reality – Mind Control 101

“Half-ass education often leads to full-blown imagination.” (Peter Sirius)

“Never judge a person based on what (s)he thinks about her/himself.” (Vladimir Ilitch Lenin)

The German sociologist Max Weber wrote: “Reality is chaotic. It is therefore all the more important that we formulate sharply defined concepts.”

I think he got a point: without clearly defined concepts and terms no scientific discussion is possible. Science depends on clear definitions. We need concepts to provide intellectual order to empirical reality. Concepts are the tools with which we understand empirical reality. . .

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