Bad and Good Things About the USA

I have lived in the USA for over 40 years now and I have been a US citizen (a legal immigrant for once) for 15 years. I have also lived and worked in many other countries and I have had an opportunity to compare the US social and political system with those of other countries, mainly those of Germany, Colombia, Italy, Sweden, and France. Today, I would like to point out several things about the US system that I consider to be bad and pernicious and a few aspects of this country that I consider uniquely excellent and great.

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Socialism in Theory and Reality

Most people use the terms ‘praxis’ or ‘practice’ as antonyms (opposites) for ‘theory’, however, from a point of view of scientific terminology, that would be incorrect. Praxis is the application or implementation, the actual performance of something, which has first just been imagined or studied. So, the correct antonym to ‘practice’ would be ‘imagination’ or ‘fantasy’ or perhaps ‘studying’. In science, the antonym to ‘theory’ is ‘reality’. Scientists develop theories about reality. They then perform experiments or make observations about the part of reality to which their theory refers. They describe what they observe in so-called protocol sentences. If the protocol sentences do not contradict their theory, they consider the theory relatively corroborated, but not verified.

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Humiliation and Oppression

At a local medical center, one of our friends, who refused to be vaccinated, was called “a murderer” by one of the nurses. In Australia, you will now be fined up to $80,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, if you refuse to be vaccinated. In Italy, people who refuse to be vaccinated, are now confined in house arrest and are only allowed out of their homes with special police permission to buy food or medications etc. Hundreds of thousands of public employees have lost their jobs in the USA because they refused vaccination. A friend who is a retired nurse, volunteered at a local hospital when asked to help out with a heavy load of COVID patients. Then she was asked to get vaccinated. As a nurse, she knew firsthand how useless and dangerous these so-called vaccinations are. She refused and was promptly let go again. This morning, I heard a discussion on Public Radio, the tax-money-financed voice of reason, about whether unvaccinated patients waiting for a lung transplant should be allowed to keep their place in the waiting line or be moved to the end of the line for certain death. What happened to the Hippocratic Oath? Are the Non-Vaccinated becoming the Jews of our time?

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Is Homosexuality Normal?

Let me first say that I personally do not care how consenting adults have sexual pleasure with each other. I think this is entirely their private affair and should not be censored by society or regulated by law. What consenting adult people do in their private homes is exclusively their business as long as it is not incestuous, does not violate the rights of others, and does not involve minors or animals who are both incapable of informed consent.

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How to turn a free-market capitalist society into the collectivist authoritarian New World Order: A brief manual for aspiring dictators

You start by brainwashing at least two generations of young citizens into believing that equality, equity, and security are more important values than liberty, freedom, and competition. This is readily accomplished by the teachers and professors of the enlightened education system, which will produce snowflakes that are afraid of their own shadow and demand to be protected and supported by the government.

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Fetal Slavery

This article does not argue for or against abortion. It only examines the pro-choice claim that a pregnant woman has or should have total jurisdiction over her unborn child including the right to abort it at will, because she “own” the fetus as part of her body.

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COVID 19 – Obedience Training for Renitent Citizens

In one of my earlier articles, I have argued that collectivism (socialism/communism) needs globalism and global governance, because it cannot successfully compete with free-market capitalism. While capitalist market economy and the associated free and open democratic society are based on self-motivated, productive, and greedy individuals pursuing their happiness and accepting inequity as the inevitable downside of individual liberty, collectivist models focus on government as the source of everything, a centralized planned command economy with safety and equity as the core values, and accept the loss of liberty and freedom – except, of course, for the ruling elite, which always exempts itself form its own rules and restrictions.

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